Associated researchers & graduate students

Associated Members

Prof. Dr. Martin Rettenberger, Director of the Centre for Criminology, former Assistant Professor for Foresnic Psychology (2013-2015), continued to be an associated department member. He regularly contributes to teaching and supervision of forensically oriented MSc. theses.

Associated Graduate Students

Pia Lamberty
Former research assistant, now working in the educational/ NGO sector
Mario Messer
Legal psychologist in training

Maximilian Wertz
Research Assistant in the Forensic Psychiatry, LMU Munich and external graduate student
Additional graduate students without their own web site are Karin Ortiz (on a KAAD scholarship), and Sonja Dette (external graduate student; Klinik Nette-Gut for Forensic Psychiatry)


Paul Barker.
2015-2021: Employed on project funded with the DFG Research Unit "Relativity in Social Cognition" (FOR 2150) hosted by the Social Cognition Center Cologne