Fiona Kazarovytska, M.Sc.


Since 04/2020
PhD candidate, Department of Social and Legal Psychology, University of Mainz
(Scholarship of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Scholarship Fund, Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

10/2017 – 03/2020
Master of Science in Psychology, University of Münster
(Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

10/2014 – 09/2017
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Münster and University of Zurich (semester abroad)


Research Interests

  • Representation of history
  • Intergroup processes
  • Morality


Research Stays

05/2024 – 07/2024 University of Kent, School of Psychology with Prof. Roger Giner-Sorolla
09/2023 – 01/2024 University of Chicago, Booth School with Prof. Ayelet Fishbach (Fulbright Scholarship)
02/2018 – 05/2018 Tel Aviv University, School of Psychological Science with Prof. Yechiel Klar



Kazarovytska, F. & Imhoff, R. (in press). Rejecting an intergroup apology attenuates perceived differences between victim and perpetrator groups in morality and power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Preprint [Open materials and data]

Kazarovytska, F. & Ionescu, D. (2024). “The first Jewish person I’ve ever met”: Insights from a field study on Jewish–non-Jewish contact in Germany. Journal of Social and Political Psychology,12(1). 108-125.

Kazarovytska, F. & Imhoff, R. (2024). Three fish at one hook? Future-oriented, reconciliatory, and defensive claims for historical closure as expressions of the same defensive desire. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50(3), 351-370. [Open materials and data]*
*SPSP Student Publication Prize 2023

Kazarovytska, F. & Imhoff, R. (2023). No differences in memory performance for instances of historical victimization and historical perpetration: Evidence from five large-scale experiments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 150. [Open materials and data]*
*Publication Award 2023 of the Social Psychology Division, German Psychological Society (DGPs)

Kazarovytska, F. & Imhoff, R. (2022). Too great to be guilty? Individuals high in collective narcissism demand closure regarding the past to attenuate collective guilt. European Journal of Social Psychology, 52(4), 1-24. [Open materials and data]

Kazarovytska, F., Kretzschmar, M., Lamberty, P., Rees, J., Knausenberger, J., & Imhoff, R. (2022). From moral disaster to moral entitlement – The impact of success in dealing with a perpetrator past on claims for historical closure. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(1), 48-71. [Open materials and data]